MXS Meshing Type Integers Flipped

You may know this already, no big deal but I thought it was barely worth a mention. I was writing up a quick script and this buggered me, the Anisotropic = 6, and the Vertex Cloud = 5, leaving it out of order of the Listbox.

Yes, I didn’t change the numbers after re-arranging the list. I’m not sure what’s worse – having a different order, or changing the existing numbers.

Similarly, if you set $.meshingMethod = 0, it will change to Tetrahedron, which doesn’t even appear in the list any more.

meshingMethod used to be a string, so you could write $.meshingMethod = “Vertex Cloud”. Maybe I should add a SetMeshingMethod() function, so you can $.SetMeshingMethod “Vertex Cloud” ?

Woohoo Easter Egg! :smiley:

meshingMethod used to be a string, so you could write $.meshingMethod = “Vertex Cloud”. Maybe I should add a SetMeshingMethod() function, so you can $.SetMeshingMethod “Vertex Cloud” ?

As you can see this is a serious production issue worthy of many many hours of your time to fix :laughing: If you didn’t have anything else to do I would say a get/set function could be useful, else not much to worry about. Like hardly anyone but me would be doing something like this.

Oddly enough the script I wrote was using a case statement to change a text object to match the meshing type at rendertime. I just wrote the listbox content order to the case/of, a string wouldn’t have been a problem but integers and listboxes seem to be more code friendly.

It is never as easy as just flipping the integers is it, those pesky functions always getting in the way.