My renders

Figured I would join the fun and share what I have created so far.

Smoke/Sand looking thing TFD/XP:

Faking a way to render XP Trails with Krak:

The XP waterfall scene (downloaded from the XP site):

Hopefully some of my next tests will be more project based composited into actual scenes. :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice stuff.

The Krakatoa sphere thing is very nice. I have yet to add TFD to the mix. I have a license, but have only been using X-Particles alone for the sim so far. Definitely going to try TFD soon.

I really like the waterfall as well.

Thanks! I haven’t actually rendered TFD fluids directly with Krakatoa since I’m still learning how those settings all work but particle advection with X-Particles is really easy to set up and looks pretty cool for a sandy/powdery type of render.

Great tests, proof of concept of what krakatoa for c4d can do. Well done.

Did you use partitions for the sphere thing rendering?

For the “Sphere thing” I did not use partitions. I just did one cache of 10 million particles and added motion blur to fill in the gaps a bit. One thing I have not figured out is a good workflow to get partitions to work while using XP with TFD. When I create partitions the difference in playback between all of them is very minimal…might need to cache using XP first -then- create the partitions based off that. I have some testing to do. :slight_smile: