Mysterious MayaBatch crash - VCRUNTIME140.dll!_CxxThrowException


We use Deadline to manage a large Windows render farm at Encore Hollywood. We are running into a mysterious crash where MayaBatch crashes on some of our tasks, but not on all of our tasks. The error looks like this:

2020-12-17 04:12:25: 0: Executing plugin command of type ‘Render Task’
2020-12-17 04:12:25: 0: INFO: Waiting until maya is ready to go
2020-12-17 04:12:27: 0: STDOUT: Stack trace:
2020-12-17 04:12:27: 0: STDOUT: VCRUNTIME140.dll!_CxxThrowException
2020-12-17 04:12:27: 0: STDOUT: synColor.2018.0.80.dll!SynColor_2018_0_80::ROI::getY
2020-12-17 04:12:27: 0: STDOUT: synColor.2018.0.80.dll!SynColor_2018_0_80::ROI::getY
2020-12-17 04:12:27: 0: STDOUT: synColor.2018.0.80.dll!SynColor_2018_0_80::ROI::getY
2020-12-17 04:12:27: 0: STDOUT: synColor.2018.0.80.dll!SynColor_2018_0_80::ROI::getY
2020-12-17 04:12:27: 0: STDOUT: synColor.2018.0.80.dll!SynColor_2018_0_80::ROI::getY
2020-12-17 04:12:27: 0: STDOUT: ExtensionLayer.dll!TcolorMgtServices::setUp
2020-12-17 04:12:27: 0: STDOUT: Shared.dll!TbaseApp::initGeneral
2020-12-17 04:12:27: 0: STDOUT: MayaBatch.exe!TiteratorWrapperFwd<TmultiIndexDependNodeSet::NodesOfTypeConstIteratorDescriptor,TiteratorWrapperTmultiIndexDependNodeSet::NodesOfTypeConstIteratorDescriptor >::operator=
2020-12-17 04:12:27: 0: STDOUT: ExtensionLayer.dll!Tapplication::start
2020-12-17 04:12:27: 0: STDOUT: MayaBatch.exe!<7FF710F62101>
2020-12-17 04:12:28: 0: STDOUT: MayaBatch.exe!TiteratorWrapperFwd<TscenePartitions::ConstIteratorDescriptor,TiteratorWrapperTscenePartitions::ConstIteratorDescriptor >::operator++
2020-12-17 04:12:28: 0: STDOUT: KERNEL32.DLL!BaseThreadInitThunk
2020-12-17 04:12:28: 0: STDOUT: ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart
2020-12-17 04:12:30: 0: WARNING: Monitored managed process MayaBatch is no longer running

…any idea what could be causing this? Our IT engineers are reimaging machines in hopes that a cleaner install of Windows might fix this specific issue. However, any insight or knowledge you may have of this problem is most welcome.

Jennifer Hachigian
Pipeline Engineer
Encore Hollywood

Latest arnold needs vcruntime.exe

For some odd reason the docs specify and include this for Houdini but not Maya.

Really annoying! Install and reboot for the farm!

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