Natron, suppress "Spawned process crashed, exiting." error

I am submitting a Natron job it runs and finishes the job as expected, except when Natron exits it throws an error:
“Spawned process crashed, exiting.”
and then the job is required again, even though it was correctly rendered

Is there any modifications to the deadlineRepository10\plugins\Natron\ I can add to catch and suppress this? Or any other place to catch this error?

after going further down the rabbit hole I found the link on errors and meaning:

and suppressing the error code(exit code -1073740940 in my case) in the with:

def CheckExitCode(self, exitCode ): if exitCode != 0: if exitCode == -1073740940: self.LogInfo( "Ignoring Natron's crash exit (exit code -1073740940)" ) self.ExitWithSuccess() else: self.FailRender( "Renderer returned non-zero error code %d." % exitCode )

I also looked at the for reference and implemented the use of

[code] def init( self ):

self.CheckExitCodeCallback += self.CheckExitCode

def Cleanup(self):
    del self.CheckExitCodeCallback[/code]

Now I had to use “self.ExitWithSuccess()” in the CheckExitCode() else the job would constantly re-render itself and never end. Is this the correct way to complete the job? It seems to work, just don’t want to raise any other issues with this if it’s not the correct way.