Hi there:
Hope you all doing fine. I have installed Nuke|NeatVideo v5 plugin on render node.
Rendering on workstations works well, but when trying to render with reduse noise on our render farm we get the following message :
Error: [ 9:10.20] ERROR: Reduce Noise v5_1: ‘OFXcom.absoft.neatvideo5_v5’: unknown command. This is most likely from a corrupt .nk file, or from a missing or unlicensed plug-in. Can’t render from that Node.
I did a lot of tests but I’m still looking for the reason the plug does not load. Not that it does render on the workstation, using exactly the same installation and environment ! Also when rendering locally on the same machine using the same command on the Terminal works fine too.
Any clue ?
are you running as a service which doesn’t pick up the environment variable for the license?
Hello Anthony:
Thanks for getting back. Here is the scenario:
Os - Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
Dell Server
VideoCard - Integrated Matrox G200eW3
NeatVideo V5 Pro Lic - Node Locked
Do not have any rendering issue with license when rendering on a Dell Workstation with nVidia
Here is the render log - get a warning about node name having a illegal character.
2024-10-09 13:30:13: 0: STDOUT: Loading /usr/local/Nuke13.0v2/plugins/Keymix.so
2024-10-09 13:30:13: 0: STDOUT: [13:30.13] Warning: Node name “OFXcom.absoft.neatvideo5_v5_1” contains the illegal character(s) “.”.
2024-10-09 13:30:13: 0: STDOUT: Loading /usr/local/Nuke13.0v2/plugins/Crop.so
2024-10-09 13:30:13: 0: STDOUT: Loading /usr/local/Nuke13.0v2/plugins/pngWriter.so
2024-10-09 13:30:14: 0: STDOUT: [13:30:13 EDT] Read nuke script: /var/lib/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/dellblade4/jobsData/6706ac331a767ae28203f2a2/thread0_tempQv7Qy0/greenland_ilulissat_dji0240_cc_v004_biju.nk
2024-10-09 13:30:14: 0: STDOUT: [13:30.14] ERROR: Reduce Noise v5_1: ‘OFXcom.absoft.neatvideo5_v5’: unknown command. This is most likely from a corrupt .nk file, or from a missing or unlicensed plug-in. Can’t render from that Node.
2024-10-09 13:30:14: 0: Done executing plugin command of type ‘Render Task’
But run the same render command on the same node on the terminal it renders fine.
Thanks for looking into it.
is it running as a service / daemon?
If you login to the terminal it will pick up your env vars from .bash_profile etc, but running as a daemon wont.
so if you set your neat license info in the profile it won’t get picked up.
Sorry, its is running as a daemon