Need Help with AWS cloud rendering

Hello Deadline!

Im a 3d artist who wishes to use cloud rendering, after using deadline for years to manage renderjobs on two local machines. Ive purchased 50 dollars worth of maya and redshift credits to test for now however (after over 24 hours of trying(and counting)) i cant seem to get this working. I am currently at the state of trying to connect to a remote connection server. I entered in my IP address and the port number shown in the tutorials. i get the error “select a valid Repository or Connection Server to use.” Im starting to think my brain doesnt function at the level required to follow the tutorials ive found on youtube.
Is it possible for an artist to use deadline for cloud rendering on his own?
Is it possible to speak on the phone with someone who can walk me through this?

Thanks for your time.


You’re not alone Mike, I’m having almost the same issue. but in my case my machines are seeing each other through the HTTP connection but it gives me an error. I’ve posted my issue over here:

I hope someone will be able to help us on this topic as I cannot find on the internet anything with easy instructions for RCS.

I was able to find another tutorial on a blog. It had added step to run this program deadlinercs.exe. After running it i can connect.


Okay but now more problems:

-asset server cant find my nas ( or i have failed to point it correctly)
-when i create an infrastructure my aws portal link goes offline.

Perhaps before I go on i should ask. Am i able to do cloud computing as a person who uses liscence free mode? I was using deadline for free because it was only on one computer but if im renting rendernodes through aws do i also have to buy deadline?

please thanks for your time


I’ve gotten back to you on your Asset Server + NAS issue in this thread.

As for the Portal Link going offline when you start an Infrastructure, that’s not quite what’s happening. Those green/red status labels just default to ‘Online’ when they get drawn in the UI for the first time (when you start the creation of an Infrastructure). But once the Infrastructure is started, the Portal Link starts trying to make connections. And usually the first couple fail so it flips over to offline. Give it a minute or two and it should swap over to online.

If the Portal Link status doesn’t flip over to green then there’s something wrong. In that case I’d go open up the Portal Link logs and check what you find against this page of possible solutions. And share it here if it’s not clear what’s going wrong.

As for using AWS Portal without Deadline licenses that’s 100% supported. Deadline Workers running on AWS don’t need a Deadline license.

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the log file with the timestamp of when i launched the infrastructure is attatched to this (71.9 KB)

however i dont see an error in that file

i do see one here (3.8 KB)

and here: (609 Bytes)

i dont see anything in the docs about the error im getting " [SSHTunnelManager] Host verification failed"

is there a phone number i can call someone about this on? what time does the support staff work so i can make sure i am on the web during the support hours?

is this necessary for someone on windows?

also is creating infrastructures costing money? i am needing to do tests to get this to work but at this rate ill be at this for a very long time and dont want to go broke doing it ><

Our phone number is +1-866-419-0283 and we’re available from 9-5 CST.

Setting up Putty per those instructions will be needed if you ever have to connect directly to your AWS machines, though our steps here might be a little easier to parse.

Infrastructures do cost money while they’re running as the Gateway EC2 instance costs money to run. If you want a rundown of what components cost money, check out our docs here.

Thanks for the info Justin. Spent 2 hours on the phone with customer service today. Very pleasant to deal with and he tried very hard to help but unfortunately after a 2 hour screenview session we couldnt figure out the problem. He made a ticket and then got back to me with a solution!

Apparently having a space in my username was an issue. we used a yaml file so we could put in the shortname of the directory for the ssh keys

That’s great to hear!