New Build Available:

Krakatoa SR C++ API was publicly release on April 16, 2013.


Release notes:

  • Added a new logging interface.
    [*]All logs can now be captured via the generic krakatoasr::logging_interface class. See documentation for example usage.

  • Previously all logging was done via standard log. The user can now override this behavior.
    ]Renamed krakatoasr::add_particle_multiplication() to krakatoasr::add_particle_repopulation().[/:m]
    ]Fixed density problems with “Particle Repopulation”.

  • The density is now computed based on the incoming density of the original particle set.

  • Repopulation renders will look quite different, but behave much better.
    ]Added the ability to track the progress and cancel particle “Particle Repopulation”.[/:m]
    ]Added a user-defined random seed for “Particle Repopulation”.[/:m]
    ]Fixed potential crashing error in Linux when using “Particle Repopulation”.[/:m]
    ]Renamed light member functions “use_phane_eccentricity_channel” to “use_phase_eccentricity_channel” (because of typo).[/:m]
    ]Added a limit to the rate at which krakatoasr::frame_buffer_interface::set_frame_buffer() is being called to increase performance for fast renders.[/:m]
    ]Improved overall logging messages.[/:m]
    ]Updated documentation.[/*:m][/list:u]