New Frost 0.6.2


[size=150]What’s New[/size]

New meshing mode: Anisotropic
This meshing method is intended to reduce the lumpy appearance that can be seen in liquid surface meshes. It is based on the paper:

Jihun Yu and Greg Turk. “Reconstructing Surfaces of Particle-Based Fluids Using Anisotropic Kernels”. ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Computer Animation (2010).

Beware that currently this method can be very slow if there’s a lot of overlap between particles.

Grow or shrink with age
This uses new “Radius Scale” and “Sync by” parameters. There are a few curves built in: Grow over N Frames, Grow over LifeSpan, Shrink over N Frames, and Shrink over LifeSpan. If you want a more interesting curve, you could start with one of the built-in curves and change the “Radius Scale” animation curve.

[size=85]Maxscript note: The “Change Scale with Age” menu is created by FrostUI.on_RadiusScaleAnimationTools_pressed.[/size]

Material ID controls
These let you control the Material IDs in the output mesh. This is mainly intended for Geometry meshing. “ID from MtlIndex” works with all meshing modes, but it’s probably not useful due to the triangle artifacts.

[size=85]Maxscript note: The “Build Material” is done by FrostUI.on_CreateMaterial_pressed.[/size]

License changes
Render nodes no longer need a license. If you have old scenes (from before the public beta), you may need to re-save them.

Particle data is now cached

Here’s a comparison between Metaballs and Anisotropic meshing for the same particles:


Looks really Great!!!