New Frost Beta 1.1.0


[size=150]What’s New[/size]

  • Added an option to display render particles in the viewport (currently this is in the Meshing rollout; should it be somewhere else instead?)

Enhanced Thinking Particles support

  • Channel fixes inherited from Krakatoa, notably the orientation channel works as expected now (see viewtopic.php?f=89&t=4975)
  • Now uses named data channels. For example, if you have a data channel named Radius, it will be used instead of the size and scale
  • You can now filter particles by Thinking Particles group

User interface changes, mostly for Particle Flow (see viewtopic.php?f=66&t=4994)

  • New dialog for choosing Particle Flow Events and Thinking Particles Groups
  • Experimental fix for “ghost” events (see link above)
  • Display tooltips for wide list items (the tooltips may be a bit weird – please let me know if they bother you)
  • Lists are updated when object names change (for example particle objects, particle flow events, etc)
  • Particle Flow events and Thinking Particles groups are removed when their parent is removed from the particle objects list

Particle file changes

  • Broader CSV file support
    [list][*]Added support different column separators (comma, semicolon, colon, tab, space)
  • Added support for different numbers of columns without a header
    ]Inherited some PRT file performance improvements from Krakatoa[/*:m][/list:u]

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug which caused metaballs to get zero channel values

Installer changes

  • Should now install all prerequisites
  • “Add to 3ds max” should appear even if you didn’t have the prerequisites installed in advance

Working well with Thinking groups! Thanks! :slight_smile: