New license daemon error

So, I’m getting the linker library error talked about in the README file for the new license daemon, except I actually have the library already in the place it’s looking for it.

lmgrd log:

[code][root@scribe01 flexnet]# cat /var/log/thinkboxlm.log

13:57:54 (lmgrd) -----------------------------------------------
13:57:54 (lmgrd) Please Note:
13:57:54 (lmgrd)
13:57:54 (lmgrd) This log is intended for debug purposes only.
13:57:54 (lmgrd) In order to capture accurate license
13:57:54 (lmgrd) usage data into an organized repository,
13:57:54 (lmgrd) please enable report logging. Use Flexera Software, Inc.'s
13:57:54 (lmgrd) software license administration solution,
13:57:54 (lmgrd) FLEXnet Manager, to readily gain visibility
13:57:54 (lmgrd) into license usage data and to create
13:57:54 (lmgrd) insightful reports on critical information like
13:57:54 (lmgrd) license availability and usage. FLEXnet Manager
13:57:54 (lmgrd) can be fully automated to run these reports on
13:57:54 (lmgrd) schedule and can be used to track license
13:57:54 (lmgrd) servers and usage across a heterogeneous
13:57:54 (lmgrd) network of servers including Windows NT, Linux
13:57:54 (lmgrd) and UNIX. Contact Flexera Software, Inc. at
13:57:54 (lmgrd) for more details on how to
13:57:54 (lmgrd) obtain an evaluation copy of FLEXnet Manager
13:57:54 (lmgrd) for your enterprise.
13:57:54 (lmgrd)
13:57:54 (lmgrd) -----------------------------------------------
13:57:54 (lmgrd)
13:57:54 (lmgrd)
13:57:54 (lmgrd) FLEXnet Licensing (v11.10.0.3 build 96543 x64_lsb) started on scribe01 (linux) (12/6/2011)
13:57:54 (lmgrd) Copyright © 1988-2011 Flexera Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
13:57:54 (lmgrd) US Patents 5,390,297 and 5,671,412.
13:57:54 (lmgrd) World Wide Web:
13:57:54 (lmgrd) License file(s): /usr/local/Thinkbox/flexnet/Thinkbox_license.lic
13:57:54 (lmgrd) lmgrd tcp-port 27000
13:57:54 (lmgrd) Starting vendor daemons …
13:57:54 (lmgrd) Started thinkbox (internet tcp_port 54413 pid 13402)
13:57:54 (lmgrd) license daemon: execute process failed: (/usr/local/Thinkbox/flexnet/thinkbox) -T scribe01 11.10 3 -c /usr/local/Thinkbox/flexnet/Thinkbox_license.lic
13:57:54 (lmgrd) license daemon: system error code: No such file or directory
13:57:54 (lmgrd) Started frantic (internet tcp_port 45154 pid 13403)
13:57:54 (lmgrd) thinkbox exited with status 45 (Child cannot exec requested server)
13:57:54 (lmgrd) Please correct problem and restart daemons
13:57:54 (frantic) FLEXnet Licensing version v11.6.0.0 build 60117 x64_se9
13:57:54 (frantic) lmgrd version 11.10, frantic version 11.6

13:57:54 (frantic) UPGRADING 12 “deadline” from version 4.10 to version 5.00
13:57:54 (frantic) Server started on scribe01 for: deadline
13:57:54 (frantic) deadline
13:57:54 (frantic) EXTERNAL FILTERS are OFF
13:57:54 (lmgrd) frantic using TCP-port 45154[/code]

ld library it’s looking for:

[root@scribe01 flexnet]# readelf -a ./lmgrd | grep interpreter [Requesting program interpreter: /lib64/] [root@scribe01 flexnet]# readelf -a ./thinkbox | grep interpreter [Requesting program interpreter: /lib64/]

library is there:

[root@scribe01 flexnet]# ls /lib64/ | grep ld-lsb*

Any thoughts?

Hey Matt,

Might be a silly question, but do you have the ‘thinkbox’ vendor daemon in /usr/local/Thinkbox/flexnet? Because the license file contains both ‘frantic’ and ‘thinkbox’ daemons, you need to have both daemons in the flexnet folder. Edwin explains this in detail here:


  • Ryan

Yup, I have both the new thinkbox daemon and the old frantic daemon there.

Thanks for confirming! I’ve passed this along to Edwin to see if he has any ideas. He’s our licensing expert. :slight_smile:

Well, you’re running the freshest version of lmgrd, which should mean it’s not a linker error (the new build of lmgrd from Flexera uses the same sometimes-present library).

You can double check using this command:

readelf -a ./lmgrd | grep "Requesting program interpreter" "[Requesting program interpreter: /lib64/]"

Ran a test, turns out your ‘thinkbox’ daemon isn’t likely set executable. I got this error myself when I unset the execute bit:

10:51:28 (lmgrd) license daemon: execute process failed: (./thinkbox) -T slb-ubuntu 11.10 3 -c ./test.lic 10:51:28 (lmgrd) license daemon: system error code: No such file or directory

try chmod ug+x lmgrd and see if that helps you out.

Silly that the error is so far removed from what the problem actually is… I’ll update the readme.

That did it! I ‘chmod a+x thinkbox’ (lmgrd was already executable, so that didn’t need it, and I did a+x instead of ug+x since thinkbox’s parent process is launched as nobody, and thinkbox is owned and grouped by root).

Definitely a misleading error to throw that doesn’t actually point to the problem :frowning: shakes fist at the flexera people

Maybe distribute the new linux binaries in tar.gz (or tar.bz2) instead of zip files so the permissions get maintained? (not that big of a deal, but might save some people some head scratching)


/me stores conversation away for the next time someone asks how linux is less user friendly than windows. :wink: