new license means removing frantic.exe?

Our license specifies both frantic and thinkbox as vendors. But thinkbox.exe doesn’t launch only frantic.exe.

[code]14:46:28 (lmgrd) lmgrd tcp-port 27001
14:46:28 (lmgrd) Starting vendor daemons …
14:46:28 (lmgrd) Started thinkbox (pid 4496)
14:46:28 (lmgrd) Started frantic (pid 432)
14:46:28 (thinkbox) FLEXnet Licensing version v11.10.0.0 build 95001 i86_n3
14:46:28 (frantic) FLEXnet Licensing version v11.4.0.0 build 31341
14:46:28 (frantic) lmgrd version 11.10, frantic version 11.4

14:46:28 (frantic) UPGRADING 40 “deadline” from version 4.10 to version 5.00
14:46:28 (frantic) Server started on hvm2 for: awake-fusion
14:46:28 (frantic) deadline deadline
14:46:28 (frantic) frost krakatoa-max krakatoa-max-render
14:46:28 (frantic) xmesh-saver
14:46:28 (lmgrd) frantic using TCP-port 60124
14:46:28 (thinkbox) Warning: no prior INCREMENT line for UPGRADE (deadline:5.00->5.10)
14:46:28 (thinkbox) Warning: no prior INCREMENT line for UPGRADE (krakatoa-max:1.60->2.00)
14:46:28 (thinkbox) Warning: no prior INCREMENT line for UPGRADE (krakatoa-max-render:1.60->2.00)
14:46:28 (thinkbox) License server system started on hvm2
14:46:28 (thinkbox) No features to serve, exiting
14:46:28 (thinkbox) EXITING DUE TO SIGNAL 27 Exit reason 4
14:46:33 (lmgrd) thinkbox exited with status 27 (No features to serve)
14:46:33 (lmgrd) thinkbox daemon found no features. Please correct
14:46:33 (lmgrd) license file and re-start daemons.[/code]

Any thoughts here? As I write this post, I’m thinking that both daemons need to be there but i have no idea why the new one won’t run.

Hey Ben, You have to create a new service in LMTools, one for “Frantic” and point to the lmgrd.exe in the “old” license server folder the contains the frantic.exe. Then create a new service “Thinkbox” and point to the lmgrd.exe in the folder that contains thinkbox.exe. That is the way I do it and it works for me… so therefore it must work for everyone (just kidding) Unless of course you did that already, then I have no idea.

Au contraire, you only need one service for both vendor daemons if you have received the new combined license file. It looks like the issue Ben is seeing is because his license was incorrectly formed by our sales team.

This portion is the give-away:

14:46:28 (thinkbox) Warning: no prior INCREMENT line for UPGRADE (deadline:5.00->5.10) 14:46:28 (thinkbox) Warning: no prior INCREMENT line for UPGRADE (krakatoa-max:1.60->2.00) 14:46:28 (thinkbox) Warning: no prior INCREMENT line for UPGRADE (krakatoa-max-render:1.60->2.00)

It means there was an Upgrade applied where it should actually be a new Feature line (since its technically a new feature from the ‘thinkbox’ vendor as opposed to a upgrade of the ‘frantic’ based features).

I think someone should have emailed you a fixed license, since I see it has been corrected in our records. Please let me know if you would like me to send it again.


Deirdre sent a new one.

Whoohoo! Watermark be gone!

Ahah! Mine wouldn’t work either until I created the second service.

I’m also having some problems with the new daemon. The only software that cannot acquire a license is Krakatoa?

Running two services on the server both pointing to the same lmguard.exe and thinkbox_license.lic. The folder also contains frantic.exe and thinkbox.exe

This is what the server status tells me -


Flexible License Manager status on Sat 12/17/2011 16:55

[Detecting lmgrd processes…]
License server status: 27000@SERVER
License file(s) on SERVER: C:\Program Files (x86)\Thinkbox\Krakatoa\etc\Win32\Thinkbox_license.lic:

SERVER: license server UP (MASTER) v11.4

Vendor daemon status (on SERVER):

thinkbox: The desired vendor daemon is down.
Check the lmgrd log file, or try lmreread.
Vendor:Host: SERVER
License path: 27000@SERVER;
FLEXnet Licensing error:-97,121
For further information, refer to the FLEXnet Licensing End User Guide,
available at “”.
frantic: UP v11.4

Here is the thinkbox.log

16:55:25 (lmgrd) Rereading license file… Requested from Martin@SERVER16:55:25 (lmgrd) Reread: Started thinkbox (pid 4932)16:55:25 (frantic) Rereading license file…16:55:25 (lmgrd) Done rereading16:55:25 (lmgrd) …Finished rereading16:55:25 (frantic) Server started on SERVER for: fathom 16:55:25 (frantic) frost krakatoa-max krakatoa-max-render 16:55:25 (frantic) xmesh-saver 16:55:25 (frantic) Updating feature fathom16:55:25 (frantic) Updating feature frost16:55:25 (frantic) Updating feature krakatoa-max16:55:25 (frantic) Updating feature krakatoa-max-render16:55:25 (frantic) Updating feature xmesh-saver16:55:25 (frantic) Rereading options file…16:55:25 (frantic) …Finished rereading16:55:26 (thinkbox) FLEXnet Licensing version v11.10.0.0 build 95001 i86_n316:55:26 (thinkbox) lmgrd version 11.4, thinkbox version 11.1016:55:26 (thinkbox) Warning: no prior INCREMENT line for UPGRADE (krakatoa-max:1.60->2.00)16:55:26 (thinkbox) Warning: no prior INCREMENT line for UPGRADE (krakatoa-max-render:1.60->2.00)16:55:26 (thinkbox) License server system started on SERVER16:55:26 (thinkbox) No features to serve, exiting16:55:26 (thinkbox) EXITING DUE TO SIGNAL 27 Exit reason 416:55:30 (lmgrd) thinkbox exited with status 27 (No features to serve)16:55:30 (lmgrd) thinkbox daemon found no features. Please correct16:55:30 (lmgrd) license file and re-start daemons.16:55:30 (lmgrd) 16:55:30 (lmgrd) This may be due to the fact that you are using16:55:30 (lmgrd) a different license file from the one you expect.16:55:30 (lmgrd) Check to make sure that:16:55:30 (lmgrd) C:\Program Files (x86)\Thinkbox\Krakatoa\etc\Win32\Thinkbox_license.lic 16:55:30 (lmgrd) is the license file you want to use.16:55:30 (lmgrd)

Could it be that my license has also been incorrectly formed as mentioned in the post above?

“Warning: no prior INCREMENT line for UPGRADE” means most definitely.

Sorry for that issue. I’ve sent a new license through our support ticket channel.

If anyone else has this problem in future, please send an e-mail to either or

and I’ll set things right.

Thanks Edwin, the new license solved the problem…