I have no idea how to do this, so looking for some guidance. I am looking for a way in monitor to display one of the vray settings (under V-Ray: Image Sampler (Antialiasing)) to display under ExtraInfo.
I read through the blog post “Deadline ‘Extra Info’: An Introduction” but didn’t find what I was looking for. Essentially, I am hoping to see whether a job is currently using progressive or bucket mode in deadline monitor. Where should I start?
Unzip the ZIP file under Repository\Events\ or Repository\Custom\Events\ to create a new folder called VRayImageSamplerMode. It will contain the Event script file, and a .params file with the same name.
Open Tools > Configure Events… in Super User mode in the Monitor.
Select the new Event and set to Global Enable.
Requeue, resume, or start a new V-Ray job. If the job contains the Plugin Info entry vray_imageSampler_type_new_enums (which is used in V-Ray Next and 5), it will be written to the Extra Info 9 slot. Feel free to change the index to write elsewhere.
from Deadline.Events import *
from Deadline.Scripting import *
## This is the function called by Deadline to get an instance of the Event listener.
def GetDeadlineEventListener():
return VRayISModeEventListener()
def CleanupDeadlineEventListener( eventListener ):
## The Event listener class.
class VRayISModeEventListener (DeadlineEventListener):
def __init__( self ):
self.OnJobStartedCallback += self.OnJobStarted
self.OnJobRequeuedCallback += self.OnJobStarted
self.OnJobResumedCallback += self.OnJobStarted
def Cleanup( self ):
del self.OnJobStartedCallback
del self.OnJobRequeuedCallback
del self.OnJobResumedCallback
## This is called when the job changes state.
def OnJobStarted( self, job ):
val = self.GetPluginInfoEntryWithDefault("vray_imageSampler_type_new_enums", "")
if val != "":
job.JobExtraInfo9 = val