AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

New to Krakatoa - Materials?

Hi, this is my first time using Krakatoa and I have a few questions that will probably come across as very basic so please go easy on me.

The major one I have is about materials.
I tried some digital tutor tutorials based on the Max version and it all made sense however more often than not they reference applying a material to the particles, however I can seem to get that to work in Maya. The only way to affect the particles are either through the modifiers or using magma but then I can only colour by velocity etc.

I did a simple magma tutorial where I wanted to texture the particles by velocity but I then had no way of adjusting the color once the magma setup was done.

Should I be able to just drop a material into the Object Colour RGB slot?

Again sorry for the simplicity of my question but any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Hi James,
Krakatoa supports all of Maya’s built-in 2d/3d textures. They are applied using the Modifier system.

If you are using the latest beta build of Krakatoa, you will be able to use both Magma modifiers and textures on the same particles (The build is from Nov. 24. It is located here: viewtopic.php?f=151&t=10772 )
Previous builds didn’t allow you to adjust the color once the Magma step was completed.

If you open the Modifier dialog, you will be able manage which operations get performed, and in which order.

Does that help? Is there a specific result you are trying to achieve? Perhaps we can help you set up the scene.

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