I’m a really fresh new customer and i would like to thanks a lot Thinkbox Software for this incredible tool : Krakatoa.
i’ve finished this job in some days with Krakatoa without any knowledge about it !
We just watched it with Radka and we were both blown away! It is amazing how quickly you have achieved professional results with a product you started using literally a month ago. Keep up the great work!
Thanks a lot , so much good feedback from you and Radka is something unexpected for me !
If you take a look at my website ( www.ghiom.com ) you can see that is my first Particles Flow work too .
If i have take a look at Krakatoa, it’s because i’m searching something to enhance ParticlesFlow becauseit is so slow .
So, i have driven particules with Particle Flow and add some fluid forces with Phoenix FD. then all the magic of Krakatoa was to make the work easier with PRT loader and better and nicer with the Partitions features.
I have a lot to learn about Krakatoa, Magma and how to render nicer . this forum look so sweet that i’m sure that i can grow my knowledge very fast here
thanks for this incredible tool !! It’s really easy to learn the basic stuff .