Newbie alert

Hi fellas,

I’ve tested deadline long ago in my old studio, where we use XSI and Max for our work. Back then it was a headache trying to find suitable rendering farm software for XSI. Then I stumbled into Deadline (forgot which version), tested it and works like charm and rather snap, no brainer setup. But the management decided to use Qube instead. Which is no different than backburner, but more complicated. I use backburner for max jobs which is no problem or whatsoever and does the job well but not with XSI. Same thing happen with Qube.

Personally I love Deadline, and right now I have an ASUS N10j which is not much for a rendering node, but I feel safe leaving it 24/7 for rendering works. Besides I barely use it for anything else other than as file server as I have primary notebook, asus G51J for all my computing needs. I don’t want to use the G51J for rendering since a friend of mine toasted his notebook, using it for rendering. Asus N10j is much cooler and I’ve leave it on 24/7 and is okay to this second.

So, back to Deadline, I’m currently playing with the latest Deadline and installed everything on the n10j, XSI and stuffs. XSI version is 2011. As I recall I just need to make sure both computer can see each other in the network and install the Deadline plugin on the XSI on the master and slaves computer.

But now, seems nothing’s working. And the manual don’t provide much solution for this one. I’ve run monitor and slave, setting up the repository and it already pointing to the same folder on the network (set it up on my N10j). I can run the plugin but when I hit submit job, nothing happens. The manager/monitor don’t react aswell as the slave. No error on XSI except “expected end of script” or something like that. I attempt to do it from my N10j but, nothing aswell.

Tried on blender same thing happened. I use blender 2.49b, 32bit version on the machines but the job isn’t submitted aswell. The script’s running fine tho.

I’ve search the documentations in case I have missing steps on setting up the whole thing but no luck. Reinstalled and reconfigured everything couple of times. I even manually configure the DeadlineRepository folder sharing settings but no luck. The monitor obviously can find the folder, but yet nothing.

So mind give me directions on this step by step instruction on both XSI and Blender… I would appreciate it very much.

thanks in advance!

Just to confirm, you’re just setting all this up on a single machine right (N10j)? Also, to confirm, you have the Repository, the Deadline Client software, and Softimage 2011 all installed on this machine as well? I just want to make sure we have the correct understanding of your setup.

Assuming the above is accurate, we just need to figure out why you can’t submit your jobs. It sounds like you’re getting an error when submitting Softimage, so if you could post that, it would be helpful. The full error should be available in the Script Editor window.

For blender, errors should be printed out to the console window that runs alongside blender. Can you check if there are any errors there when you try to submit, and if there are, can you post them as well?


  • Ryan