CGFluids Thread:
Max Files:
Nice spot! Would be fun to rework that with krak using FumeFX Follows and basic flows…if i don´t have the time maybe someone else want´s to? So curious about what we can achieve using krak on that kinda stuff…
just wanted to let you know…
kind regards
Yeah I’m doing some very similar stuff on a pitch at the moment so i’ll do some fume and krakatoa test on it.
from what I understand the interesting part of recreating this in Krak would be how do you get the fluid dynamics from Pflow? Getting Krak or other renderer to create fire from particles may be do-able, but how does one get Pflow to create all the nice eddies and ripples and fluid dynamics that Fume creates? Perhaps by using the PFlow/FFX operator, but then why not render with Fume and your choice of renderer? What would Krakatoa do differently?
Just curious…
Perhaps by using the PFlow/FFX operator, but then why not render with Fume
and your choice of renderer? What would Krakatoa do differently? <<
FumeFX beautifully renders voxel-based smoke, but many details can be lost
in a coarse grid. By pumping particles through the voxel grid with the FFX
operator, you can create fine detail where it may otherwise not be visible.
In short, Krakatoa provides a different look for the same fluid sim.
the guy posted the ffx scene now…the former *.zip didn´t include any ffx
here´s the file:
kind regards
I got the wrong file when i was making the zip file - d’oh!
Joe >>>
One way of using krakatoa with fume is through the fume follow operator for pflow - it’s ow I did all of the particle effects on the guinness ad. What happens is you run a sim with the action that you want making sure that you turn on the velocity channel in fume. Once that’s done, there’s a fume operator in pflow called fume follow which takes the velocity information from the fume sim and turns it into vectors that pflow can use - thus you can get fumes movement to affect particles. You can then get krakatoa to render the pflow particles instead of the scanline.
the guy posted the ffx scene now…the former *.zip didn´t include any ffx
In case you haven’t realized, “the guy” is John O’Connell, another member of
the Krakatoa beta. Just ask any questions here in the thread, and I’m sure
John can answer them directly. He does beautiful work, eh?
- Dave
the guy posted the ffx scene now…the former *.zip didn´t include any ffx
In case you haven’t realized,
“the guy” is John O’Connell,
another member of
the Krakatoa beta. Just ask
any questions here in the
thread, and I’m sure
John can answer them directly.
He does beautiful work, eh?
- Dave
Yeah! took way too looooong to get that! maybe because of a slightly different nick in hereI´m really sorry if “the guy” sounded rude to anyone especially to John himself
blame on me!
And YES he does definitely brilliant work!
kind regards