No Announce For Latest Beta Builds?

So what has changed? I can only speak for myself,I found it really helpful when you would post the build+info in the Beta Builds forum :wink: This build has been out for a month and I didn’t even know about it! (actually the last two builds) So am I going to find a PRT PFlow object in there? :smiley: (i was just April fooling in the other post)

Those last builds were only bugfix builds for 1.6.1. Without anything fancy in them. The “real” beta builds are forthcoming. Soon :slight_smile: Promise. For reals.

:astonished: :open_mouth: I shall put myself into a Zen-like state to try and suppress my overwhelming excitement :smiley:

There were some fancy improvements in the Particle Data Viewer in the latest 1.6.1 builds.

*First, it now supports PFlow and TP systems, with options which channels to display for them. (Look under View menu). I have been told that even Houdini doesn’t have anything as cool as this :wink:
*Second, the columns are now sortable, so you can easily sort particles by speed Magnitude, Z axis position, or any other channel. (check out Sort menu)
*Filtering also supports things like TP Group names so you can sort TP particles by group name, or filter particles based on their group.
*The column names can be reduced to channel name only (without the depth info) to reduce clutter. (View menu)
*The info list at the bottom can now be hidden to have a larger particle data list only (View menu)
*I also fixed some bugs.

There is one component still missing (we use it internally at PF) - a PDV node in TP which can expose arbitrary data to the Particle Data Viewer. I did not include that script in the 1.6.1 update, but it should come in the future.

A nasty bug in the MagmaFlow editor related to exposing Vector nodes to the Command Panel was fixed. It used to crash, now it actually shows a color swatch and XYZ spinners together as it should.

Dude, that is a solid update! PDV is clearly my favorite data utility in the suite, I use it all the time. I’d be lost without it.

- a PDV node in TP which can expose arbitrary data to the Particle Data Viewer.

So this will gather any TP data that you pipe into it and show it via the PDV? Man, Box#3 could would (heart) Krakatoa if it could do that. All those little box#3 data windows, while I am very grateful to have them, could be a thing of the past.

It has two inputs - Scalar and Vector, and you can pipe in only one of the two - either a Float/Integer or a Vector. The value is then displayed in the viewer in a dedicated column. Of course, you can have any number of PDV nodes in TP, and each one gets its own column, labeled according to the node’s name.

Just remembered some other undocumented additions I made to PDV in v1.6.1:

*If you right-click a value in any row/column, the value will be printed to the Listener (e.g. if you need to post the position of a particle to a bug report, you can right-click the value and copy/paste it).
*If you hold SHIFT while clicking on the Column titles, a * symbol will be added to the name and the value of any selected particle will be displayed in the viewport next to the particle! You can add any number of columns to the display (until it becomes unusable). Press Ctrl+SHIFT and click any column to clear all * and disable the display.

Bugs, Krakatoa has no bugs! only miscreant, meandering, misbehaving, malicious bits of binary :stuck_out_tongue:

THAT is sweet, thanks! :ugeek: