No Fresh Magma 2

If I open a scene with KCM Channels, they’re converted to Magma2, but if I open a new scene, add PRTVolume and a Krak Channel Modifier, it opens up to the old Magma. I still only have a 1.6 license, but I temp removed it and to make sure I was in an evaluation mode and it still opens to Magma 1.x.

If you add a Krakatoa Channels modifier, you get Magma 1.x in KMX2. It still exists as it was, for backwards compatibility.
The KCM MacroScript though it supposed to add the new Magma 2 modifier (which appears in the Modifier list of Modify panel as “MagmaModifier”).

The license has nothing to do with this - if you loaded KMX2 into Max, the MagmaModifier will appear in addition to the old Krakatoa Channels modifier and you can use either one.
If you loaded 1.6.1, you will get only the Krakatoa Channels modifier.

Am I missing anything?

You didn’t miss anything - I missed that the modifier had been changed to MagmaModifier. I had assumed the KrakChannel Mod was just loading the new magma stuff, but I can understand why it’s a new modifier now. Thanks.