Hey guys,
i have a scene which is quite big and this scene is referencecing another big maya file.
So now when i submit this job and want to have all render layers separated as jobs
i get the problem that the submitter is not “submitting” also the referenced maya file.
Therefore i get erros messages that the referenced file could not be found etc…
Am i missing something? Do i have to click a certain parameter to tell thinkbox
“submitting” also the referenced files?
best regards
Hey there,
As far as I know, this should work fine… The referenced Maya file will not be copied to the Repository (we don’t have an option for that), but as long as it is in a network accessible location, you should be good. If you’re doing cross-platform rendering (ie, submitting on a Mac and rendering on Windows, or vice-versa), however, you’ll have to set up your Path Mapping in Deadline so the Slaves can translate the Mac Paths to Windows Paths (or vice-versa).
If you could supply an Error Log containing the error in question, I might be able to provide more insight on where this could be going wrong. You can view Job/Error logs by right-clicking the Job in question, and selecting ‘Job Reports’ -> ‘View Job/Error Reports’