Normal Maps and MR

don’t seem to work when network rendering. the normal map works fine on local frames, but doesn’t appear on network rendered frames.


Oh, that sounds bad. I’m out of the office for most of the week, but will look at it as soon as I get back. It’s probably a bug in the licensing code.

k, thanks

curse me for trying to use it in production :frowning:

I just tested this here, and it appears to work for me. Is it only mental ray that is giving you issues? Does the normal map work in Scanline when using network rendering? The network rendering license works a little differently than workstation mode. It does not require a license, it only requires that the computer that submitted the job to have a valid Bermuda license. Do you see the ocean displacement, but not the normal map?

getrad, I’m not getting any normal maps working in MR - are you using any exposure control settings or anything different to me?
May I see one of your basic scenes with normal maps working?

I assume that this is the same problem you reported here viewtopic.php?f=81&t=7953