Hello there, i have recently installed deadline on 4 pc’s. they were working fine, but suddenly two strange things happened to 2 machines - although i do not remember changing any configuration on them.
I ) In machine ONE, i can see in Maya the dealine bar on the viewport, and the icon to submit the job. But, when i submit it, it seems to be sent alright. BUT… no render comes out from it. Any clue what problem might that be?
II ) In machine TWO, suddenly, there’s no more icon/deadline bar on maya’s viewport. I tried putting the plugin and setup step by step many times, but it just wont appear again. Any clue on how to fix that?
Should i delete deadline from any of these machines and install it all over again?
Is the job appearing in the Monitor, but sitting idle? If so, it could be a couple of things:
i) Make sure that the job is not being submitted to a pool or group that the slaves aren’t assigned to.
ii) Check if the job is generating errors. You can view the errors by right-clicking on the job in the Monitor and selecting Job Reports → View Error Reports.
If the job is rendering and finishes, but no output is being generated, check the render logs to see if Maya is printing anything that would explain the problem. You can view the logs by right-clicking on the job in the Monitor and selecting Job Reports → View Log Reports.
Feel free to post an error or log report if you’re not sure what to make of them.
My guess would be that Maya is using a different userSetup.mel then the one you configured to load the submission script. Have you tried the whatIs userSetup.mel command in Maya as explained here to determine which userSetup.mel file it’s using? franticfilms.com/software/su … tsetup.php
If it is using the right userSetup.mel, check the Maya output window or script editor log after Maya starts up to see if it is printing out any error messages.
I would hold off on that for now. Let’s see where the checks mentioned above get us.