Would be great if job notification emails contained the job ID, so we can search for individual jobs better.
Also, i know its been raised before, but you would be surprised how many people have asked me so far about an “easily readable job ID thats just a number”…
No problem! This will be done for the next beta.
Performance and scalability has to take precedence here:
Maybe if we had easy ways to copy the ID, with a right click option, that would work just as well? We can copy the whole line of the job, then fish out the ID, then put it in an email of course. Would that be scriptable?
Should be able to script that, I’ll see if I can’t whip up a quick right-click script for this
Whipped up a quick right-click job script that will populate the clipboard with the IDs of the selected jobs, and attached it here.
Here’s the code for anyone interested:
[code]import os, sys
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
from System.Text import StringBuilder
from Deadline.Scripting import *
from Deadline.Jobs import *
def main( *args ):
selectedJobs = MonitorUtils.GetSelectedJobs()
if len(selectedJobs) > 0:
jobIDs = []
for job in selectedJobs:
jobIDs.append( job.ID )
strJobIDs = '\n'.join( jobIDs )
Thanks man, thats really helpful!