AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Nuke 14.1 and 15 patch files

This won’t add support for new features, but will at least get Deadline to run the 14.1 and 15 executables.

There is an in-depth explanation of this process in our knowledge base that uses a fictious version of Maya as an example if you want more detail on this process. What follows is the Nuke specific version.

Copy the “custom” folder over your existing DeadlineRepository10\custom directory. All the changes will go into the \custom directory, so if there are issues you can delete the inserted files to roll back to the original files.

The submitter installer won’t work for Nuke 15, but you can do a manual installation for the submitter follow this documentation: (Nuke — Deadline documentation)

If you have any trouble let us know! (18.4 KB)

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