Hello, after last upgrade to Deadline to submission script from Nuke 6.3v4 does not work any more.
It sas:
The SubmitNukeToDeadline.py script could not be found in the Deadline Repository. Please make sure that the Deadline Client has been installed on this machine, that the Deadline Client bin folder is set in the DEADLINE_PATH environment variable, and that the Deadline Client has been configured to point to a valid Repository.
Unfortunately it doesn’t look like we have licenses for Nuke 6, so testing this is being a bit of a pain. We do support Nuke 6, but I doubt we would have tested Deadline 7.2 on that old a version. Can you verify the last known working version of Deadline within Nuke 6? Also, is there anything besides that in the Nuke script editor? Thanks.
Hello, just now I setup new test lab for testing purpose.
Setup Nuke 6.3v4, Deadline Repo and Deadline client Submission script worked as expected.
Ok. Update Deadline repo to On the Repository side setup auto upgrade clients. Launch slave and is automatically update to
Now, launch Nuke and found that submission script does not work any more.
Ok, I manually setup submission script from updated repo. No luck.
I delete C:\Users{USERNAME}.nuke folder and setup submission script over again - don’t work.
I even copy old submission script files to C:\Users{USERNAME}.nuke directory - the same, it not working.
So it seems some thing changed in deadline client.