I found a few other related posts to this but wanted to know if there is any updates on resolving the issue.
We use Nuke 10.0v5 , Deadline 9, and we often have Nuke crash after clicking the ‘OK’ button in the Submit to Deadline dialogue box.
There is no apparent pattern to this other than it tends to crash on the same script the second time we submit,
it also completely closes Nuke so there is no error messages or log.
What we notice is that right before it crashes it reaches 10% in the submission progress bar.
Do you have any ideas on what could be causing this?
Are you using Shotgun, Ftrack, NIM?
Can you list out all 3rd party plugins/scripts that are present in the Nuke script and the system when you hit submit?
(Alternatively, can you try stripping out all 3rd party stuff from an instance of Nuke and hitting submit ~does it then work?)
I believe the last time we played this game, we were only ever able to narrow it down to ‘something’ 3rd party, but no idea which 3rd party thing…
Thanks Mike,
We use Ftrack and have our own pipeline tools,
also different 3rd party gizmos.
The crashes happen in more complicated comps and I have the impression that it has something to do with Groups with expressions,
does the submission script look through groups to find write nodes?
ok, cool.
Are you able to eliminate by temporarily disabling your pipeline components one at a time to narrow down the issue here? This will be impossible for us to do, as we are not present in your pipeline. Yes, our Nuke submission script scans all Nuke nodes in the script, including groups looking for write nodes, precomp nodes and smart vector nodes: “/<your_repo>/submission/Nuke/Main/SubmitNukeToDeadline.py”
~lines: #1410 onwards.