We deal with lots of different projects in lots of different colourspaces, and we have issues with the automated draft movies uploaded to shotgun always come out with odd colourspace issues.
I tried coding various LUT into the draft script but we deal with so many different colourspaces, it is unmanagable.
My solution is to have multiple write nodes in nuke script:
1 the dpx/exr write for final delivery in the correct colourspace for the project,
1 making a proxy png sequence in sRGB/Rec709 which is used to make the draft movies for shotgun
If i submit the job to Deadline as 1 job, it makes 2 draft movies (one from each write node) and they clash/compete/overwrite when they upload them to SG, or if i submit the Nuke job as different tasks i end up with multiple shotgun versions.
Anyone know of any nice workarounds??
This is likely a common problem, which we also encountered.
We ended up with tons of customization to the draft process.
We added parameters to the draft job, which allow choosing the color space in advance.
This is not ideal, even when semi-automated.
Due to our work process, we were not using the built-in “pipeline tools” to create draft jobs, but usually submitted them manually after render, from the monitor.
Now we have a whole separate system, which looks at the job plugin, the file extension, etc. and decides whether to create a draft automatically, chooses color spaces, and so on.
The information driving this is kept in custom entities in Shotgun.
Another thing we are considering is using automated Nuke jobs to render proxy videos, since you have more control over color spaces and such.
No perfect solution yet.
One part of the problem is that Shotgun versions only have one field for frames and one for video, which does not necessarily match the workflow.
Initially we added a separate field for proxy frames, but that was too much trouble.