nuke in-app submission bug - ""

The Nuke submission py code needs to be improved slightly.
It’s still possible to submit a Nuke script which does contain at least 1 write node, but if that only write is set to “read in” as well, then effectively the nuke file will crash on the farm. We need to check against at least 1 write node is available in the script which is ALSO “not” set to “read in” as well.
Just a subtle change to the “” code. In fact, if you want to tweak the py script, I can test it here this afternoon?

Hey Mike,

RC4 is the last release candidate we can do for 5.2, unless some serious bug is found before next week (which is the target release date). If you still want to test this on your end, that would be great, but we won’t be able to roll it out until the next release.


  • Ryan

no worries. Let’s test away :slight_smile:

Here’s the updated script. Thanks! (10.8 KB)

Cool. working well.

Hey Mike,

We ended up having to build one last set of installers before the release to fix a minor issue with setting environment variables for the rendering process. Since you confirmed the updated Nuke script was working, we’ve included it in the build we uploaded to the public today!


  • Ryan

cool beans. I assume this last minute build also resolved a few other issues such as Pulse’s auto-configuration RegEx issues I had with Edwin?

It didn’t, unfortunately. We simply didn’t have the time to put those changes through proper testing. :frowning: