Nuke - Read Error: Permission Denied

Hi Community,

I am having an issue when submitting nuke files to deadline. When rendering I always get a Permission Denied error when reading out a dpx or ari file. But if I navigate on a slave to this file, it’s there and I am able to open it.

The strange thing is after while the job does start rendering and then the render completes successfully. But during the render it gets same error randomly.

We currently have a osx file share with deadline repository on it sharing over smb. Our slaves are connected to repository, our slaves are windows. Our asset server is configured in the same way. Our computer submitting our windows.


Thanks in advance,
The Fridge

I am wondering if the network drive connection is being lost, or becoming inaccessible. Are there any known network issues on your farm? I am also wondering if the files are getting locked for some reason on the scene, so I’d love to have that verified as well.