Nuke render stucking

Hi Team,

This is to inform we are facing one weird issue for nuke render actually there is job of nuke which gets render in 48gb ram and same when we assign 256gb nodes in single instance or multiple instance for 2min render it’s took more than 6hrs and getting stuck if I give u the render log can u help us out to solve this issue it will be very helpful to us in this crunch workload situation.

Ayyappan g nayar

Hi AWS team please request you to give some feedback how to resolve this issue so we can go ahead with our work


The logs would be helpful here to see where is the delay coming from. It could be Deadline or Nuke causing the delay, feel free to share the logs from the job: Logs — Deadline documentation

You can share the render log here on the forum post or open a support ticket with Thinkbox Support.

Hi Aws Thinkbox team im awaiting a reply from you for the comp render stuck issue ive already provided render log also for your reference please help it out so we can go ahead