Nuke/Shotgun user field


I just stumbled across the “DeadlineSGData” field labelled “ShotgunKVPs” in Nuke’s project settings.
This parameter lives in a tab called “User”. Since that is the default name for un-named tabs, I’d recommend calling it “Deadline” or “Thinkbox”.
It’s always a pain when you have to debug things and stumble across “User” tabs, as it can be hard to determine where they come from and what they are for.

Also, if another script already created a user tab n the project settings, the lack of a “Deadline” tab will cause the ShogtunKVPs knob to appear in the last user tab which will most likely completely out of place.

So in other words, maybe change this bit in /Volumes/Library/Thinkbox/DeadlineRepository6/submission/Nuke/Main/

root = nuke.Root()
sgDataKnob = None
if "DeadlineSGData" in root.knobs():
    sgDataKnob = root.knob( "DeadlineSGData" )
    sgDataKnob = nuke.String_Knob( "DeadlineSGData", "ShotgunKVPs" )
    root.addKnob( sgDataKnob )

to something like this:

root = nuke.Root()
sgDataKnob = None
if "DeadlineSGData" in root.knobs():
    sgDataKnob = root.knob( "DeadlineSGData" )
    sgTab = nuke.Tab_Knob('Deadline')
    sgDataKnob = nuke.String_Knob( "DeadlineSGData", "ShotgunKVPs" )
    root.addKnob( sgTab )
    root.addKnob( sgDataKnob )


Thanks! We’ll fix this for beta 10.


  • Ryan