Nuke Submitter and Sticky settings

Hi Ryan,

I noticed, that not all options in the Nuke Submitter dialogue are sticky. I tried to change the so it adds the 3 I personally always use and it writes them to the nuke_py_submission.ini, but for some reason it doesn’t apply them when it reads out the nuke_py_submission.ini, so I still always have to change my 3 settings to my preferred value.

Could you maybe just make all settings in that dialogue sticky by default? That way I also won’t have to reapply my changes every time there is a Repository upgrade.

Ok, a restart of Nuke seems to have fixed the problem of the dialogue not reading out the sticky settings correctly. But the idea of not having to replace or add to the everytime there is an update still appeals to me. Why not just make all those settings sticky by default?

Which settings are you referring to? We try to be consistent with all of our submitters regarding which settings we make sticky and which ones we don’t. Some settings, like task timeout for example, are usually not sticky because the artist might not want to apply a timeout to all jobs.

A feature that we’ve had in the 3dsmax submitter for a while is a couple of ini files that determine which settings are sticky and what their defaults are. These ini files are never overwritten, so users don’t have to worry about their settings getting wiped during an update. Maybe this is something we need to look at supporting for our other submitters. We’ll put this on the wish list for a future release.

In the meantime, if you want to customize the scripts that ship with Deadline, it might be a good idea to create a copy with a slightly different name and use that instead. That way, you won’t have to edit the script every time there is an update. Of course, this means that you might miss out on new features in an update. Having the ini files mentioned above would give the best of both worlds. :slight_smile:


  • Ryan

Hi Ryan,

so that ini file you are referring to would be in addition to the ini you are already producing for Nuke?

I mainly always enable the Auto Task Timeout, disable the Build dropdown (setting it to “None”, since we are only running 64bit builds and machines and I don’t want Deadline to get confused or trying to render with 32bit by accident or something) and sometimes disable the render with NukeX option.

It would be an additional ini file that would sit next to the submission script in the Repository. When the script is loaded, it would check the ini file to see which settings should be sticky, and load those from the saved settings file. The rest would be set to their defaults, which could also be in an additional ini file. It will give studios full control of their sticky/default settings, and it would be maintained between updates.