I’d really love to make ‘Only Selected Write Nodes’ the default option for submitting Nuke scripts, but there is no field for it on the Deadline tab of the root node. I took a look through the source and see that it looks like we can add defaults to an ini file in the repository, but that also does not accept a value for this setting.
I guess it falls upon me to edit the source code to add it, but do I have to keep adding it back in every time Deadline gets an update, or is there some way I can fix this permanently?
You can achieve this by writing a “custom sanity check” script for the Nuke submitter: Nuke — Deadline documentation in that way you will not need to change the submitter code itself.
The sanity check script will go away during the upgrade if it is present in the default folder. To avoid that, the best practice is to create a copy of Nuke Submission in the custom folder. [Repo]/custom/submission/Nuke/.
custom folder does not get overridden during the upgrade.