Object Orientation

The orientation of custom geometry doesn’t seem to be changable. If I go into the hierachy tab. Click “affect pivot only” and rotate the pivot and then reload the geometry the orientation of the instances is the same in the viewport.

Frost is reading the object space mesh before transforms, so it cannot know about the pivot change unless you move it down to the Modifier Stack. If you add an XForm modifier and move, rotate or scale its gizmo, thus transforming the mesh on the Modifier Stack, Frost updates immediately.

Or you could use Affect Object Only, then use Reset XForm Utility to copy the change down to the Modifier Stack.

Would make a nice feature in the geometry tab to be able to re-orient it directly in frost much like the PFlow orientation node.

You can do that already, using a variety of methods. You can pass the Orientation as Quat via Magma; you can pick any Vector including Normal, Position etc, you can look at a Target node, or acquire the target’s rotation; you can add random variation to the orientation, optionally locking it to a local or world axis. But the Magma Orientation channel control should be what you really want to use.

Am I missing something?