Official Houdini Solaris Husk submitter

Ok, just in case anyone is having similar issues we found out what the problem was. It appears, that husk (as well as houdini) loads any available OFX plugins (for the new COPs). This lead to the crashes when running husk through deadline (not when running it from a command prompt interestingly enough). We also had some rather random houdini 20.5 startup crashes (also with segmentation fault) which is also fixed by not loading the OFX plugins. SideFX also suggested to remove system paths for python versions that do not match the houdini version or use a houdini version that matches python version on your system. I can not be sure if this really did anything, but this was part of the process. Thanks to everybody jumping in very quickly and giving suggestions!


Since switching to 20.5 I have a weird problem when submitting husk jobs. it would create the usd file for rendering (with the usdrender rop) but then when actually rendering the frames it would always write to the last frame of the sequence (it does render the correct frame it just overwrites it to the framename with the last frame in the name). So all frames of a 100 frame sequence would be written to filename.100.exr. mind that this is not caused by an incorrect command for every frame, but the actual usd file is incorrect. the intesting thing is, that when I donā€™t use the deadline rop to create the usd file (locally) it is correct. Has anybody seen this kind of behaviour?

what is your chunkSize of the export job? If you need 1 usd file to be used for all frames, you should have chunkSize >= frame range.

Deadline released 14/10/2024, includes support for Houdini & Mantra 20.0 & 20.5, and also Karma but only for version 20.0?
Interested to see how this is implemented, backwards compatibility means itā€™ll be safer to create a test environment

ok, I donā€™t see anything in the plugin options, or under the ā€˜Submitā€™ menu, the docs show itā€™s a standalone app
Itā€™s not in the submit menu
or the Plugin Config
or the submission scripts
or the Houdini integrated submitter
Thereā€™s nothing in the repo itselfā€¦

Iā€™m using

Also the installer for the plugin doesnā€™t include py3.11 option (just install 3.10 and copy to 3.11 and it runs anyway)

I got confirmation Karma was missing from the release and have a copy of the plugin. Iā€™ll let some official share that though.

EDIT: I grabbed the wrong commit - Zainā€™s got the proper stuff here.

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A quick mod will get 20.5 on there too, was there any reason to skip Karma when Houdini got this?

Label=Karma 20 Executable
Category=Render Executables
Default=C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini 20.5.332\bin\karma.exe;/opt/hfs20.5/bin/karma
Description=The path to the Karma executable used for rendering.

Also needs ā€œ20.5ā€ in the submission script, Iā€™ve attached an icon too to help differentiate renders (709 Bytes)

Whatā€™s the status of the Husk submitter?

ā€œWe canā€™t share the roapmapā€

wait, there is a karma.exe? I always thought that rendering karma was always handled through husk. Will this do everything that husk can do (but limited to only karma cpu/xpu)? Could you already test if/how that works? what would be the submitter input? Is the submitter a ROP or a LOP? it will be some time until we can upgrade to this iā€™m afraid.

I got a response from SideFX about this, karma.exe and husk.exe are aliases of the same program, if you check the file size they are identical, and work identically. So you can render redshift USD with karma.exe the same way you would Husk.

It makes more sense to me (for clarity) to go with Husk as the tool to do this, as Karma sounds like it only does Karma.

I got a response from Thinkbox you could rename the Karma plugin to husk and it would function the same. but this seems pointless as the one on this thread is a working solution, and the new Thinkbox Karma(husk)Plugin only works through the Monitor for submission.

@MikeOwen @eamsler @Justin_B @zainali If you read through this thread youā€™ll see how this works, Iā€™m sure anyone on this thread would help out develop this plugin also. Iā€™d be more than happy to jump on a call to demo

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just to add my 2cents: @anthonygelatka is right. While it is really great that we now have official support for solaris/husk/karma it is important to note that the workflow should be similar to the ā€œoldā€ way of rendering using the deadline rop. This is because you often have situation where you want to submit muliple renders from within one houdini scene and you donā€™t want to do that by hand with every iteration. Also with Solaris, the chance that there is a multishot workflow going on makes this even more important. Also as far as I can tell from the 10.4 documenation, there seems to be no way to do the USD export locally.

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@Ronald_Anzenberger @anthonygelatka
We are generally using the ROP for submissions for all the reasons mentioned above. It would be great to be able to use an ā€œofficialā€ deadline rop if/when that is released.


06 Nov 2024 - released

Is there anyway of finding out the differences from the plugin development without doing a comparison?

It sounds like the Deadline Karma (Husk) plugin now includes an integrated submitter

IGNORE THIS, itā€™s just including the standalone karma plugin that missed the boat on the last releaseā€¦


sorry I am not quite sure where to install these, inside DeadlineRepository\Custom\plugins and scripts?

I did that but then I couldnā€™t make the ROP inside LOPS.

Yes, thatā€™s right, under custom\plugins
You mean you couldnā€™t create a Deadline ROP in LOPS? There should have been an error.


I dont get the option to create in LOPS at all, this is how I have it setup and I have the HDA installed. That works but not in LOPs I guess my install is not correct.


This is the custom plugin, have you installed the custom submitter? You need to replace the original submitter / hda with the updated one.

You should not have to reinstall the submitter, it picks up custom or regular directory transparently, when it calls GetRepositoryPath (I think).
The path above is correct, so not sure what goes wrong.
How is the submitter installed?

AFAIK neither HuskStandalone or official Husk submitter have Deadline LOPs. In Solaris you need to create ropnet where Deadline rop could be created. Of course you can create Deadline rop directly in out context and use USD node which will point to the LOP in stage.


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