Official support for C4D R25 and Houdini 19?

Can anyone inform me when the next update is scheduled for?

We would like to upgrade our infrastructure to Cinema 4D R25 and Houdini 19, but since I’m not any big coder guy, and I know H19 has changed to Python 3, I would like an official build.

It’s kinda surprising to me, how Deadline is always so far behind updating for new releases, it’s almost 2 months ago since Houdini 19 got released.


It’s top secret since AWS took over, there’s never any official announcement, you can sign up for alerts but they don’t seem to be sent out anymore.

An update this side of Christmas seems unlikely, I’m sure the devs don’t want to pick up all the issues over the holidays.

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Thank you for the answer :slight_smile:

Same as OP, we’d like to see official support for this ASAP.

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+1 here. It’s been three months since R25 was released.

If the developers need access to the beta forums so that they can have an update ready on Maxon release days, let me know - I can get you in.

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Its out! :star_struck:

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No official 19.0 though

Crazy that we can’t have an official build two months later from the release of Houdini 19.