OnJobSubmitted CheckPathMapping


We are creating a custom event when the job is submitted.
Somewhere before the job starts rendering we need to change the paths mapping from windows (the submitting machine) to osx (the rendering slave)

It seems OnJobSubmitted is being called on the submitting machine so the path mapping function (RepositoryUtils.CheckPathMapping) isn’t working.

How can we accomplish this?

You could use the OnJobStarted call back instead – this will run on the Slaves as they are about to render that Job. The caveat being that it would get called more than once, potentially, by different Slaves.

If that is an issue, you could also look at setting up Pre-Job Scripts (see: docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … ripts.html) for the Jobs that require the Path Mapping. This would obviously require tweaking the initial submission of Jobs however, which might be more work if you’re not already running custom submission code.
