A job submitted using ClientUtils.ExecuteCommandAndGetOutput properly triggers OnJobSubmitted callback:
[code]jobInfo = ‘c:/myDocuments/jobInfo.job’
pluginInfo = ‘c:/myDocuments/pluginInfo.job’
arguments = StringCollection()
arguments.Add( jobInfo )
arguments.Add( pluginInfo )
results = ClientUtils.ExecuteCommandAndGetOutput( arguments )[/code]
But OnJobSubmitted callback is not triggered if a job is submitted using deadlinecommand:
deadlinecommand.exe jobInfo pluginInfo
What would be a way to trigger OnJobSubmitted if the job is submitted using deadlinecommand?
Its probably not this easy, but make sure in the jobInfo that this is not set:
We ran into something similar with some jobs sent via the standalone api.
Unfortunately even after the SuppressEvents key is set to false onJobSubmitted callback is still not triggered.
What version of Deadline are you using?
This release note was in
Thanks! Looks like we need to upgrade to a newer version of Deadline. We are still on!
Bingo, that will be it then! 5 x new versions for you.
docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … notes.html