AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

OpenEXR 2.0 Support?

Hey Bobo,

Are there any plans on adding OpenEXR 2.0 support to Krakatoa for Maya? The Deep Image data would go a long way towards integrating Krakatoa into our shots.


Defintily. EXR 2.0 is something we have been watching for a while.

How would you be wanting to use it? Would you:
a) Import EXR files created by a geometry renderer into Krakatoa to replace matte objects?
b) Export EXR files from Krakatoa and use them in your compositing application.

The reason I ask is because “part a” is complete for other deep formats (DTEX, etc), we just have to write support EXR 2.0 images. However, “part b” is a new feature that we plan to add some time in the future.

Hi Conrad, i am working with nuke 7 for compositing and a deep output (either dtex or EXR 2.0) would be great. but i dont know how krakatoa could differentiate the deep opacity between particle rendering vs voxel rendering.

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