OpenGL error with Houdini

We’re getting an ‘Installed OpenGL driver is not able to run OpenGL 3.3’ error on Windows worker machines when we try rendering OpenGL jobs. It’s workstation machines and a GPU server we’re testing on, and for the workstations at least we’re quite sure the drivers are ok, since we’re using them interactively.

We read on problems with GPU access with Deadline as a service in Windows and switched to Deadline as a process, but the error persists - any help there?


Is it a GTX card? Do you remote into the workstation afterward? I seem to recall this issue being something to do with GTX cards being operated remotely and not recognising the driver (or switching to the Remote Desktop one)

Alternatively you’re not passing on any of the houdini opengl env vars?

Can you run the command outside of Deadline?

It’s not GTX cards on any of these machines, I think.

Workstation works remotely routinely these days, that’s the only way it works :slight_smile:

Passing OpenGL env vars, that’s something I need to check about.

Outside deadline, you mean remote to the machine and run it using hython from the command line?
