When submitting a Draft Job in beta12 on OSX 10.7.4 I get the following error:
Error in CheckExitCode: Renderer returned non-zero error code, 1. Check the log for more information.
at Deadline.Plugins.ScriptPlugin.RenderTasks (System.String taskId, Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame, System.String& outMessage, FranticX.Processes.AbortLevel& abortLevel) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
0: Task timeout is disabled.
0: Loaded job: test [DRAFT] (511a822e1f9bf24943abb906)
0: INFO: Executing plugin script /Users/chris/Library/Application Support/Thinkbox/Deadline6/slave/chris-don-schulzo/plugins/Draft.py
0: INFO: Found Draft python module at: '/Users/chris/Library/Application Support/Thinkbox/Deadline6/slave/chris-don-schulzo/Draft/Draft.so'
0: INFO: About: Draft Plugin for Deadline
0: INFO: The current environment will be used for rendering
0: Plugin rendering frame(s): 0
0: INFO: Draft job starting...
0: INFO: Stdout Handling Enabled: True
0: INFO: Popup Handling Enabled: False
0: INFO: Using Process Tree: True
0: INFO: Hiding DOS Window: True
0: INFO: Creating New Console: False
0: INFO: Looking for bundled python at: '/Applications/Thinkbox/Deadline6/Resources/dpython'
0: INFO: Render Executable: "/Applications/Thinkbox/Deadline6/Resources/dpython"
0: INFO: Render Argument: -u "/Users/chris/Documents/Job/omstudios/mainline/deadline/DeadlineRepository6/draft/Samples/Resize/resize_image_640x480_fit_width.py" username="chris" entity="test" version="" inFile="/Users/chris/Documents/Job/omstudios/testsequence/test_#####.jpg" outFolder="/Users/chris/Documents/Job/omstudios/testsequence/Draft" outFile="/Users/chris/Documents/Job/omstudios/testsequence/Draft/test.mov" startFrame=0 endFrame=249 frameList="0-249" deadlineJobID=5118e3d91f9bf2e2391bf1cd deadlineRepository="/Users/chris/Documents/Job/omstudios/mainline/deadline/DeadlineRepository6"
0: INFO: Startup Directory: "/Users/chris/Library/Application Support/Thinkbox/Deadline6/slave/chris-don-schulzo/Draft"
0: INFO: Process Priority: BelowNormal
0: INFO: Process Affinity: default
0: INFO: Process is now running
0: STDOUT: Traceback (most recent call last):
0: STDOUT: File "/Users/chris/Documents/Job/omstudios/mainline/deadline/DeadlineRepository6/draft/Samples/Resize/resize_image_640x480_fit_width.py", line 19, in <module>
0: STDOUT: import Draft
0: STDOUT: RuntimeError: License server machine is down or not responding.
0: STDOUT: See the system adminstrator about starting the license server system, or
0: STDOUT: make sure you're referring to the right host (see LM_LICENSE_FILE).
0: STDOUT: Feature: draft
0: STDOUT: Hostname: winlic
0: STDOUT: License path: @winlic:
0: STDOUT: FLEXnet Licensing error:-96,7
0: STDOUT: For further information, refer to the FLEXnet Licensing documentation,
0: STDOUT: available at "www.flexerasoftware.com".
0: INFO: Process exit code: 1
Stack Trace
at Deadline.Plugins.Plugin.RenderTask (System.String taskId, Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.a (Deadline.IO.TaskLogWriter A_0) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Date: 2013/02/12 18:56:10
Frames: 0
Elapsed Time: 00:00:00:00
Slave Name: chris-don-schulzo
Is it a licensing problem? There’s only one slave in the repo.
Yeah, it’s a licensing error. You just need to contact sales@thinkboxsoftware.com to get them to add Draft licenses to your license.
Is there another way? I develop locally without being connected to the licensing server. I thought licensing isn’t necessary up to two slaves.
February 13, 2013, 7:01pm
Draft requires a license because we license codecs [such as X264] and we have to track all usage.
Additionally it is tied to a paid version of Deadline’s support contract.
Okay, I see. I’ll try to get a connection to the licensing server.
February 13, 2013, 8:08pm
yes, happy to provide an eval for the short-term duration [contact sales@]
Okay, I have a connection to the license server now and there are no license errors. But when I launch a Draft Job Script I get the following error:
Error in CheckExitCode: Renderer returned non-zero error code, 1. Check the log for more information.
at Deadline.Plugins.ScriptPlugin.RenderTasks (System.String taskId, Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame, System.String& outMessage, FranticX.Processes.AbortLevel& abortLevel) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
0: Task timeout is disabled.
0: Loaded job: test.nk [DRAFT] (5122832b19543340664627a9)
0: INFO: Executing plugin script /Users/chris/Library/Application Support/Thinkbox/Deadline6/slave/Chris-Don-Schulzo/plugins/Draft.py
0: INFO: Found Draft python module at: '/Users/chris/Library/Application Support/Thinkbox/Deadline6/slave/Chris-Don-Schulzo/Draft/Draft.so'
0: INFO: About: Draft Plugin for Deadline
0: INFO: The current environment will be used for rendering
0: Plugin rendering frame(s): 0
0: INFO: Draft job starting...
0: INFO: Stdout Handling Enabled: True
0: INFO: Popup Handling Enabled: False
0: INFO: Using Process Tree: True
0: INFO: Hiding DOS Window: True
0: INFO: Creating New Console: False
0: INFO: Looking for bundled python at: '/Applications/Thinkbox/Deadline6/Resources/dpython'
0: INFO: Render Executable: "/Applications/Thinkbox/Deadline6/Resources/dpython"
0: INFO: Render Argument: -u "/Users/chris/Documents/Job/omstudios/mainline/deadline/DeadlineRepository6/draft/Samples/Resize/resize_image_640x480_fit_width.py" username="chris" entity="test.nk" version="" inFile="/Users/chris/Documents/Job/omstudios/testsequence/test_nuke_####.jpg" outFolder="/Users/chris/Documents/Job/omstudios/testsequence/Draft" outFile="/Users/chris/Documents/Job/omstudios/testsequence/Draft/test_nuke.mov" startFrame=1 endFrame=100 frameList="1-100" deadlineJobID=511e7a011f9bf2d50cd58d33 deadlineRepository="/Users/chris/Documents/Job/omstudios/mainline/deadline/DeadlineRepository6"
0: INFO: Startup Directory: "/Users/chris/Library/Application Support/Thinkbox/Deadline6/slave/Chris-Don-Schulzo/Draft"
0: INFO: Process Priority: BelowNormal
0: INFO: Process Affinity: default
0: INFO: Process is now running
0: STDOUT: Draft
0: STDOUT: Command line args:
0: STDOUT: username=chris
0: STDOUT: entity=test.nk
0: STDOUT: version=
0: STDOUT: inFile=/Users/chris/Documents/Job/omstudios/testsequence/test_nuke_####.jpg
0: STDOUT: outFolder=/Users/chris/Documents/Job/omstudios/testsequence/Draft
0: STDOUT: outFile=/Users/chris/Documents/Job/omstudios/testsequence/Draft/test_nuke.mov
0: STDOUT: startFrame=1
0: STDOUT: endFrame=100
0: STDOUT: frameList=1-100
0: STDOUT: deadlineJobID=511e7a011f9bf2d50cd58d33
0: STDOUT: deadlineRepository=/Users/chris/Documents/Job/omstudios/mainline/deadline/DeadlineRepository6
0: STDOUT: Traceback (most recent call last):
0: STDOUT: File "/Users/chris/Documents/Job/omstudios/mainline/deadline/DeadlineRepository6/draft/Samples/Resize/resize_image_640x480_fit_width.py", line 59, in <module>
0: STDOUT: frame.WriteToFile( currOutFile )
0: STDOUT: RuntimeError: src/file_io/magick_file_io.cpp@335.write_file - Magick: DelegateFailed `"ffmpeg" -v -1 -mbd rd -trellis 2 -cmp 2 -subcmp 2 -g 300 -i "%M%%d.jpg" "%u.%m" 2> "%Z"' @ error/delegate.c/InvokeDelegate/1065
0: INFO: Process exit code: 1
Stack Trace
at Deadline.Plugins.Plugin.RenderTask (System.String taskId, Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.a (Deadline.IO.TaskLogWriter A_0) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Date: 2013/02/18 20:38:59
Frames: 0
Elapsed Time: 00:00:00:00
Slave Name: Chris-Don-Schulzo
Glad to hear you got the licensing worked out. At this point, it’s looking like a Draft specific error, so it’s probably best to post error on the Draft forum: