OSX & Fusion 9 executable path

Hi, I’m currently running some test with the free license (2 slaves) and I’m struggling to get Fusion 9 to render on the Mac

RenderPluginException – Error: Executable returned from RenderExecutable(), “/Applications/Blackmagic Fusion 9 Render Node/Fusion Render Node.app”, does not exist.

(it DOES exist)

I’ve tried all manner of variations with .app etc and can’t get any to work, even if I navigate to the executable using the file explorer within Plugin Settings!

The Windows slave has no issues, but the mac simply refuses to launch Fusion 9 (within Deadline)

Testing the path outside Deadline reveals no issues. Fusion Render Node and Fusion itself load fine, and the comp renders with no errors.

Any ideas?



The path should be

/Applications/Blackmagic Fusion 9/Fusion.app/Contents/MacOS/Fusion
/Applications/Blackmagic Fusion 9/Fusion Render Node.app/Contents/MacOS/?

Not sure of the exact path of Fusion Render Node but you need to go a bit deeper in the file tree to find the binary.




Many thanks, the following path worked

/Applications/Blackmagic Fusion 9/Fusion.app/Contents/MacOS/Fusion