AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

OSX Launcher startup dock & menu bar

Completely forgot to mention this during the beta cycle!
I find it strange how in OSX on login, the Deadline Launcher automatically starts up, which is fine and displays itself in the menu bar with other items such as the system clock, battery or other 3rd party apps such as Dropbox. However, it also displays a Deadline Launcher app running in the dock. If I quit the dock app, then the Deadline Launcher icon in the menu bar also quits. Other 3rd party apps such as Dropbox or Google Music, don’t display themselves running in the dock when they are visible in the menu bar. I was thinking that Deadline should act the same way as other apps when in the OSX environment. Also, this would be a more similar approach to how launcher acts in Windows OS.

Hey Mike,

We had actually looked into this briefly around the end of the beta, but ran out of time. Currently, the Launcher is an “app” like the other Deadline applications, which is why it displays in the dock. Now, in theory, this can be disabled, but we just didn’t have time to really explore it. It’s currently logged as a low priority issue for 6.1.


  • Ryan

Fair enough. Would be good to clean this up for a future release, so that launcher behaves just like other OSX ‘menulets’.

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