I must be doing something wrong here! I’m unable to launch a 2nd slave on the same OSX machine. I have tweaked permissions in User Group to allow “New Slave Instance” & “Remove Slave Instance”. My original slave is called “mbp” and typing in a new name, a 2nd slave called “mbp-mike” is created in the launcher menu, but it only launches the original “mbp” slave. I just can’t get the 2nd slave to start-up ever! I have the following files only here:
/Users/Shared/Thinkbox/Deadline6/slaves/mike.ini - containing just 1 line: “[Deadline]” and nothing else…
/Users/Shared/Thinkbox/Deadline6/slaves/mike.lock - empty file, probably as designed?
Ah, just noticed in a terminal, that there are also 2 hidden files as well…".ini" & “.lock”. Strange when a 2nd slave is created the 2 files are not hidden as well, but visible?