As Thorsten said,
“- One thing that always bugged me with Dreamscape’s ocean is that the Meshgeneration is based on the flat surface (leading to quite a lot of padding to be added to close all edge-holes).
I know that due to the fact that mesh generation and the wave generation are seperated this is a tough one. Just thought i’d throw it in the loop.”
I have to add a lot of padding after the bermuda modifier is added (with a few wind).
Any way to make padding automated, based on the waves height etc?
To do this, we’d have to specify a Bermuda Node in the Bermuda Mesh. it could then compute an upper bound on what the padding could possibly be. But this would end up with a lot of extra padding in practically all cases because it would have to take the worst case. I can experiment with the idea here.
Are you using the FOV padding, or World-space padding? or both?