The attached scene is in Max 2010 format (saved as 2010 our of 2013) and contains a SIM Ember object set to create and visualize a VecNoise field.
This is then used to advect Particle Flow particles within the grid.
Note that in Max 2012 with Nitrous, PFlow is very slow with 10K particles displayed as cubes, so I have set the count to only 1K. You can switch to Direct3D or use Max 2010 or 2013 to get better performance, but this is a Max issue and not an Ember problem.
All 6 sides of the grid are set to Solid, swirling the velocities as they approach the bounds.
The setup uses FFT Solver to create divergence-free fluid motion.
You can switch the SIM Ember Solver to “None” to take the velocities As Is without the fluid motion (in the videos, we still had a “Divergence-Free” checkbox to do this, the UI has changed).
In the Alpha builds, we have added channel visualization options to the SIM Ember, so you don’t have to create a PRT Ember to visualize the values. The only reason to make a PRT Ember would be to render in Krakatoa, modify/deform the resulting particles or save them to PRT files. The visualization settings in this scene are: Density channel for Density Display (this will show a sample where the Density channel is > 0, and the SIM itself sets the channel to 1 where the Velocity Magnitude is > 0). The Color Display is set to Velocity, and the Vector Display is set to Normalized Velocity times 3. This gives you colored lines showing some of the velocities in the Noise field. The number of samples depends on the “Viewport Spacing” property.
The Alpha 1, you can actually type the name of the channel in the Dropdown list, so selecting “Density” and deleting it and then pressing Enter will set the channel to “” and thus disable the display. We will look into adding a entry to the list in the future to make the display off-switching easier. (22.8 KB)