Particle Flow Event as a Distribution source?

Particle Flow Event as a Distribution source - I wonder if it is possible to do assign a particular event of PF as a source the same way we have a workaround for Ember.
I remember you mentioned it is possible somehow. If so, a script please?

Although I know programming to some extent, I am totally unfamiliar with MaxScripy (yet) and the scripting max environement.

In the future, we will allow the picking of the whole system or of individual events.
*For now, you can simply pick the PF Source as usual - this will add the PF Source 001->Event001 to the list.
*Now, you can simply replace it with another event by saying

$.velocitySources[1] = $'PF Source 001->Event 002'

*Stoke must be selected - the $ represents the selected object, $.velocitySources is the list of sources.
*There are more properties needed, so it is good to pick another source first, then replace it with the new one.
*[1] means the first object from the list. If you have more than 1, you can replace ANY of them by providing the right index.
*$‘PF Source 001->Event 002’ is the name of the second event. Note the single quotes around the name - this is because the name contains spaces. The alternative MAXScript notation would be $PF_Source_001->Event_002 without quotes - Underscore can be used to replace spaces when specifying object paths.