Particle Multiplication Preview?

Is this in Krakatoa SR and will it end up in MX? … eview.html

This is currently in Krakatoa SR and Krakatoa MY. In Maya, you can even preview the resulting particles in the viewports.

It will be eventually in an upcoming Krakatoa MX build since it is part of the renderer and the renderer is shared between all versions. We have to provide a Max object to control the settings - probably a modifier. Currently, you can approximate the result using Frost and PRT Volume, but it would be slower.

You get more control using Frost and PRT Volume (though you have to pay for Frost). We’re using it in our SR tools, but we’re not sure we like the workflow and controls quite yet, especially since we don’t have influence over the particles after they are multiplied. I’d like it if in 3ds max we could do that, and I think a modifier would be a swell way to do that.

cool, thanks guys.

We use the frost method, but I was hoping that this other method would be faster. Sometimes you dont need too much in the way of controls, just a few more particles without re-running a sim :stuck_out_tongue: Cant wait to see it.