Particles Not Following Mesh

I am seeding particle system (1) with fragmented geometry created with Rayfire. I Xmesh that Pflow system and its events.

I then want to seed particle system (2) onto the Xmesh’s geometry, and stick to it as it animates. However, the particles don’t stick to the geometry. I’ve gotten it to work with standard cubes animating around, so there is something specific to the chunks that rayfire has created. I’ve reset their Xform and made sure their pivots are centered. I’ve made sure to cache the Pflow system AND events. I’m at a dead end.

This is my worfklow:

  1. Create a cube

  2. Rayfire fracture. Center Pivots. Reset Xforms.

  3. Create particle 1 with birth script so particles inherit TM and shape of scene geometry.

  4. Add motion (sped operator).

  5. Cache Pflow 1. Load in XMesh.

  6. Create particle system 2. Add position Object with Animated Shape enabled. Add Xmesh Loader as emitter object.

LIke I said, when performed with spheres instead of chunks, it works.
Xmesh_Chunks.max (516 KB)

Eh, Same result with the Mesher compound object. Not a Thinkbox issue I spose.

I could be missing something, but Lock On Emitter is not checked in your second system, so the particles won’t stick. Once you check it, it seems to work as expected.
(I resaved the first PFlow to an XMesh sequence using AS ONE OBJECT IN WORLD SPACE and then enabled the second PFlow. It was not working until I checked “Lock On Emitter”.)

Yep, thanks. Just slapping myself over here.