Partioning error with PRT loaders


I have loaded saved realflow bin sequence to PRT loaders…(Even if saved PRT files are loaded…) and noise modifier applied on PRT loader. When I try to do partitioning, it pops up this error only for once and open “KrakatoaGui.Ms” file and error is like this “>> MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception: – Type error: getClassInstances requires MAXClass, got: undefined <<” …

then if I try to do paritioning, nothing happens… I am using latest beta3.

Is it bug or i am doing something wrong? Do I have to go back to 1.2 version to try partitioning?

Thanks and Regards,


We had this error reported before and we fixed it. What version of Krakatoa are you running? You should be running Krakatoa (1.5 Beta 3 SP1). If you are running 35021, it has this bug.

This was caused by the attempt to check Mapping channels in the PFlow on systems that do not have Box #1 and/or Box #3 installed.
If you are running the latest Krakatoa version or have Box #1 and #3 installed and you are still seeing this, let me know.
The getClassInstances() call was recently placed in a try()catch() error trap, so I would expect it not to fail in the current version.

You can alternatively download the file posted in the TP4 bug report on this thread:

It has two fixes including the one for your problem. Just copy it into your Krakatoa\Scripts folder.

Thanks! yes SP2 worked out! :slight_smile: