AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Partition Bug?

Hey guys,
Im testing out stoke and Im loving it. Still feels a little prone to errors (
I tried to start working with the partition system and ran into this error. No idea what it is, but I fingured you’d want to know about it.

We fixed this in the latest update. Please download and reinstall!

Bobo, Im getting an error running the latest installer? Error code 2343?

Ill try an un-install then a re install.

I get the same error trying to uninstall it too?

This means that Stoke is failing during the uninstall process of the old version before it can install the new version.

Can you try generating an uninstall log with the 1.0.0 installer and sending it to us?

From a command line (started via “\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\Command Prompt”):

msiexec /x C:\PATH_TO_STOKE_INSTALLER\StokeMX_1.0.0.51286_x64.msi /lvx* StokeUninstall.log

Please send the resulting StokeUninstall.log file to us in a support ticket:

I did post the log to the support ticket system. Any ideas? Id like to get the new one installed before my trial runs out.


Hi Fred, I’m looking into the ticket but I’m not making much progress so far. The nuclear option is to use this program: to kill the installed state of Stoke (you will need to manually delete the files in that case though).

If you manage to nuke the old install as Darcy suggested, please let me know and I will extend your license by another week.

I figured out what the problem is. I suspect you had installed Stoke while you had Max 2014 installed then you uninstalled Max 2014 before you uninstalled Stoke. Stoke is trying to remove the entry from the plugin.ini file and is failing.

You could:

  1. Reinstall Max 2014 then uninstall Stoke then uninstall Max 2014
  2. Create a registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Autodesk\3dsMax\16.0 with entry InstallDir and value C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2014. Then you’d have to create a Plugin.ini file in each of C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2014\en-US, C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2014\fr-FR, C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2014\de-DE, C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2014\ja-JP, C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2014\zh-CN, and C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2014\ko-KR. After this the uninstallation would work.

Sorry about the hassle!

I made a batch file that automates the steps I suggested, then uninstalls Stoke MX 1.0.0. If you haven’t nuked the installation, you should try this out:
UninstallStoke100.rar (720 Bytes)

You need to run it as an administrator (right-click on the script and select ‘Run As Administrator’). It will generate a log file that I might find useful if the uninstall continues to fail.

OK I ran that bat file as suggested, went real fast and I don’t see a log file (Im not sure where it put it)
it seems to be throwing a syntax error with that bat file.

Then I Tried to uninstall the version of stoke installed with no luck. Same error.

Can I do this manually? Can I just blow away a bunch of files?

Open a command prompt “Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\Command Prompt.lnk” as an Adminstrator (right click, choose option). Then switch to the directory you extracted that batch file, and try running it. Just type: UninstallStoke100.bat Copy and paste the results into the response so I can figure out what went wrong.

Sorry Darcy, I re installed 3dsmax 2014 and then did the re-install. It worked like a charm! Thanks for all the help, I’m back to simulating stoke again! (Not sure why the batch file was giving me trouble)

You guys offered to extend my trial license. Can you still do that?

Check your email :slight_smile:

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